Elsa from Frozen becomes the first meme of 2020

In social networks, a whole wave of laughter has been unleashed by the new trend in which Elsa de Frozenthe famous movie Disneybecame the protagonist of the first meme of 2020.

Yes the most viral memes of 2019 they made you laugh, the first meme of this year is going to make you cry with laughter, because it stars Elsa, one of the characters in the movie Frozen and the images are hilarious.

Elsa from Frozen, the first meme of 2020

Frozen 2 It has been a success at the box office, as the animated film has grossed nearly 358 million dollars worldwide. However, in the first days of the year it has been a trend and not precisely because of its sales record.

Elsa, one of the main characters in the movie Disneyand one of the most acclaimed by adults and children, has become the first meme of this year.

Well, in networks, a series of images began to be seen in which they use their name and their image, in a play on words, to complement phrases.


Internet users have left all their creativity in these images; because many are characterized by being assemblies that bear the face of the princess of Disney.

Twitter was one of the networks with the greatest impact of these images, since it was on this platform where hundreds of users decided to upload their best content.

How do you like these memes? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share!

With information from: nacionrex.com