Do you have a voyeuristic pet? – Vibrate

If your pet looks like a bedroom spy and enjoys watching your intimate or erotic attitudes, he’s a voyeur!

Does your dog, cat, parrot, hamster, or whatever you have living in your house, not take his eyes off you when you are intimate with your partner? If you have a voyeuristic pet you don’t need an explanation and you know exactly what we are talking about. If you are not very sure, take the following VibraTest and find out…

Also play with: We tell you what kind of lover you are

We tell you what kind of lover you are… Great! #VibraTest

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) April 27, 2016

Share this note with your friends and friends on social networks, if they have a voyeuristic pet they will feel identified with this story.