This was the letter that Mario Calderón left with instructions to Armando Mendoza

If there is a chapter Ugly Betty with which many were moved was the moment when Betty discovered the deception through a letter from Mario Calderón to Armando Mendoza.

Ugly Betty It was a novel that was marked not only in the hearts of Colombians but of millions of people around the world. That is why his followers constantly reveal secrets of the novel, such as which is the most sought-after chapter among other data that always surprises.

This was the letter from Mario Calderón to Armando Mendoza where he gave him instructions about his romance with Betty

However, this time what caught the attention was that it was revealed what the letter that Mario Calderón gave Armando Mendoza was like so that they could continue with their plan. It is at that moment that Betty discovers the deception, the lies and the betrayal of the one who is supposed to be her great love. That is why many wondered what exactly the letter said that broke the heart of the protagonist of the novel and if you want to know, we will show you below:

My dear President,

Here are the instructions for you to continue your horror routine with Betty.

In the first instance, you will find the cards that you must continue to place on your monster’s desk every morning with their respective details. Don’t forget him, because I won’t be around to do it. Writing those cards was more difficult than ever, because with the previous ones at least he told me what happened the night before. The gloomy kisses that she gave him, her words to make the horror, I say love with her.

Every detail of his frightening itinerary, at least, served me to write something to him. So these cards contain neutral feelings, I suppose that during these days he will have to go back to the ordeal of kissing her and surely going to bed with her.

The same here goes the cheap poetry that fascinates her, poetry for ugly lovers. Since the monster must be excited about Marcela’s absence, it is most likely that he is waiting for you to dedicate every night to her, and he would be right to think so. But beware, you must be careful, Marcela is not going to neglect you. Patricia will surely follow in her footsteps and if you give reason, Marcela will cancel the marriage, and she has a desire to do so and you know better than anyone that that is the last thing she should admit. That marriage must be made against all odds.

I suggest that you take her to Adriana Arboleda’s event tomorrow, it won’t seem strange to anyone who goes with her. Take some beautifiers, take her home and if you get inspired enough, sleep with her. Yes Yes Yes Yes…. I already know the martyr’s face she must be making when reading this. But you kind of no longer suffer so much from the horror of going to bed with her. He’s already numb, so do it tomorrow and get out of it. She will be happy and gets rid of it for a few days. Oh but yes, I won’t lend you my apartment anymore… no sir… You damaged my record… I mean, you damaged it, you turned it to pieces, even the doorman made fun of how ugly the woman you brought was.

On the other hand, my dear Dr. the fact that tomorrow you get rid of it for a few days, does not mean that you are careless. Keep up the routine of cards and details that come here, because Don Nicolás Mora is still behind Betty and behind EcoModa, and I don’t want him to have the news when he returns that he neglected her and left her in the hands of that guy, because that would be the same as having handed over the company to him.

And well, I hope that this week is less horrible than the others that she has suffered with her, but always carry in her head this motto «I kiss Betty so I don’t lose Ecomoda»… «I make love to Betty so I don’t lose Ecomoda» … think that, with each kiss, with each terrible caress, you are making sure that Betty never plays a trick on us.

Finally, I remind you that during these days you have to be very special, not only to keep EcoModa safe, but also because you have to force it to make up the reports for the next meeting. Brother, she has us in her hands, and if she refuses to collaborate with us, then close your eyes, take other embellishers, prepare sensitive phrases and take her to the nearest bed… because I tell you, there is no one happier than an ugly after making love.

Well my dear President, I know that you will finish reading these instructions completely disgusted, but think about one thing… this hell is not going to be for life. You will return to being the happy man surrounded by beautiful women, when she returns the company to us. Cheer up, president.

Sincerely, Mario Calderon.

And you, Did you remember this sad scene where Betty discovered Armando Mendoza and Mario Calderón’s plan? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.