What wine to choose to accompany your meals?

There are many rules regarding the type of wine that should be used to accompany a meal or dessert, a classic one is that white wines go with white meats and red wines go with red meats.

Currently, the rules tell us that flavors must be combined with colors, that no flavor of wine or food must cover the other. For delicate flavors, it should be accompanied with drinks of the same characteristics and thus the flavors are balanced.

Wines to accompany with meats:

It is ideal to differentiate the different types of meat to find the best wine to pair with that dish. In addition, the choice is also influenced by the type of cooking of the meat and the ingredients used for its preparation.

Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Malbec, Shirah or Zinfandel They are excellent wine options to pair red meat, when it has been roasted or grilled. The last two wines are much more appropriate when spices such as pepper are added.

Beaujolais nouveau It is a good choice of red wine for pork dishes. As for white wines, Sauvignon Blanc or Chadonnay are suitable options for this type of meat, while if the pork is prepared with slightly more acidic ingredients, the ideal is a Riesling.

Sheep meat needs to be combined with wines with a high tannin content, this serves to cleanse the palate because it is a type of meat with strong flavors. The Nebbiolo, Barolo and Barbaresco they are excellent options.

The Sauvignon-Blanc or a Chardonnay They are ideal for pairing with fish. Of course, the exception is caviar, which always has to be combined with Champagne.

Pasta wine:

For pastas that are accompanied by sauces that include tomato, the Italian Chinati wine is an option that enhances the flavor of this meal. While to accompany lasagna or other stuffed pasta, both Barolo, Barbaresco, Riserva Chianti or Montepulciano d’Abruzzo are excellent options.

On the other hand, for pasta with white sauce, a wine like Sauvignon Blanc is ideal. If you want something smoother, you can opt for a Chardonnay or, alternatively, Pinot Grigio.

Wine to accompany with cheeses:

As with meats, there is a wide variety of options when pairing wines and cheeses. For each cheese there is a different wine that combines perfectly with its flavor. For example, blue cheese such as Roquefort or Gorgonzola go very well with a French Sauternes wine, while Stilton goes well with Port.

Likewise, strong-flavored cheeses, such as Parmesan, go well with Amarone, Cabernet Sauvignon or Montepulciano Wine. And finally, soft cheeses tend to go best with wines like Pinot Grigio, Sauvingon Blanc, and even Pinot Noir.

Wine to accompany desserts:

If we talk about the best wines to accompany desserts such as a cake or apple pie, wines Sauternes they are the right choice. While for desserts that contain chocolate, an ingredient that most of us love, they can be paired with a Muscat, Porto or a sparkling.

Source: IWoman