It is no secret to anyone that Paris Hilton is quite a mediatic woman and that she attracts attention wherever she goes.
For this reason, the fact that she was the guest of honor at the wedding of a Colombian actress immediately caught all eyes. Girlfriend? She is nothing more and nothing less than Carolina Guerra who married millionaire David Reuben Jr. in the middle of a desert while an important festival was taking place.
That is why the outfits that all the guests wore were striking, with transparencies, little fabric and quite extravagant accessories. However, when the photos of the actress’s first wedding were published (because she has already announced that there will be a bigger party that will last 3 days), all eyes were riveted on Paris Hilton.
The celebrity who is known worldwide, wore a black dress with transparencies, very high boots, mesh stockings and a head accessory that looked like snorkel goggles. Although Paris Hilton did not publish photos of the wedding on her social networks, these are some of the images that have attracted the most attention:
What do you think of the outfits of this wedding attended by Paris Hilton?
Leave us a comment on our social networks where you tell us if you would dare to dress in this way to attend a wedding.