Raised with Chocoramo, Tostacos and Ponqué Gala
A tribute to Rafael Molano, creator of the products that ‘fed’ more than 5 generations… #GraciasRamo
They say that the national food is the ajiaco or the paisa tray… a lie! The national dish should be the Chocoramoor at least it should be recognized as the main element of our onces.
Raise your hand who was not raised with Ponqué Gala, Ramito, Tostacos or Chocoramo in the lunchbox! For this reason, as a tribute to Rafael Molano, the businessman behind Ramo, we invite all Colombians to eat at least one Ramo product.
Take a picture of yourself eating Chocoramo, Ramito, Ponqué Gala, Tostacos, or any other Ramo product, and share it with the hastagh #graciasramo