They open La Llorería, a space made to let off steam and have fun

La Llorería, is a space to let off steam and have fun since many curious people visit to tell their sorrows to a group of specialists in psychology.

We all have our problems and carry more than one cross on our backs. Financial, work and family love situations are matters of consultation for people who attend the psychologist to more easily face the hard blows of life. For example, many want to know how to overcome infidelity and according to psychologists, this process is one of the most common and normal among people.

Well, so that, as they say, “stop suffering”, some visionaries decided to inaugurate a safe place for people to come closer, to let off steam and unload their most personal sorrows to receive the help of experts.

They open La Llorería, a space made to let off steam in Spain

With the sole purpose of making mental health no longer a taboo subject, a space was opened where anyone can approach and talk about the things that are not going well in their lives.

In the famous sector of Malasaña, in Madrid, Spain, a place was adapted so that people feel comfortable and let their feelings out naturally. There, after standing in line, you can enter the site that, far from being gloomy, is adorned with neon lights and messages that remind visitors that their self-esteem is not measured by likes or that it is okay to have anxiety and fear.

According to Martyna Dluzniewska, organizer of the Llorería, this place was created thanks to “We want to de-stigmatize, that you can talk about feelings, that if you’re wrong, you can be; if you need to stop, stop; if you need to prioritize yourself, do it.”

And it is that mental health is a complex issue because a study revealed in The Lancet, During the times of the Covid-19 pandemic alone, cases of anxiety and depression increased by nearly 25%. For this reason, it is already common for there to be safe spaces where people can unload all their emotions.

Would you go to a place like this if they existed in your city? Give us your answer in a comment and share this note with your friends on social networks.