Phrases that they say and provoke our anger

Men should know how to express themselves adequately, with the exact words, but unfortunately this is not the case and they continually make mistakes that make us feel bad.

We present some of the phrases that have surely provoked your anger on more than one occasion.

* “You are single because you are demanding”. Although they mean that we carefully search for the ideal man, what they make us feel is that we interpret that we are so hysterical that that is why we do not have a boyfriend.

* “My mom says”. Any sentence that begins with this phrase is destined to fail because we feel that she compares us to her mother and that no matter what we do, we will never be like her.

* «You drive very well… for a woman.» Despite the fact that several studies claim that women do not drive very well because the part of our brain that is responsible for space-time perception is not well developed, it is not an excuse to criticize us for driving well, poorly or regularly.

* «You are in your days?». It doesn’t matter if we have a good reason to be upset, they will believe that any annoyance, anger or upset is because we are on our period, so they will not have to take responsibility and claim that we exaggerated everything.

* «You’re very cool, why don’t you have a boyfriend yet?». When your friends tell you this it makes you want to kill them, and basically we ask ourselves the same question…

* «Quiet». When you have already exploded with courage, whether or not you are in your day, there is nothing that provokes more anger than ‘Calm down’ or ‘calm down’, and that is that if we could be calm or calm… we would not be angry! The best they can do is give us our space to calm down and then talk calmly.

* «You’re not like the hot girls I used to date.» Although on the one hand that phrase makes you feel super good, because you are unique, the first reaction is to think ‘I’m not sexy at all’; however, you will have to calm down, understand him and realize that what he meant is that the girls he dated before were too stupid, pretty, but stupid, and you are not like that.

* «How beautiful is your friend!». It is a very awkward moment when your guy admires the attributes of one of your friends. You don’t know whether to claim him or agree with him, because you will clearly agree with him.

* “Fat you? No! You’re huggable.» If you have ever asked him and the answer you got is similar to ‘huggable’ we assure you that you will have been about to rip his head, arms, legs and whatever, but the only thing that can be done at that moment is take it easy and see the positive side of the matter: if you are huggable, he will not want to let you go.

* “Did you just change your hairstyle / is it new?”. When you comb your hair differently, buy a new dress, a bag or something else, don’t expect him to notice; if it is not a radical change, you will not realize that there is something different.

* «What were you saying? I wasn’t paying attention to you.» When you talk and talk and talk… and in the end you ask him something or there is that awkward silence in him that he should say something but it doesn’t happen, and he tells you that he wasn’t paying attention, you’ll want to yell and claim him, but put yourself in his place, yes you have a lot of work, if you are stressed about something, chances are you only think about it.

Related note: End the bad mood as a couple.

Source: Twentysomething