Free your house of negative energies NOW!

We are going to prepare to receive the end of the year season and we are going to renew, and we are going to start with the house or the apartment, because just like us, we are also charged with negative energies and the trick is simple.

Perhaps it has happened to you that when you enter your house, you perceive a strange and inexplicable feeling of heaviness, very similar to the one you appreciate when you are next to certain people. That is called negative energy, the one that turns our home into a hostile, unpleasant place and where it causes you to flee, instead of staying to rest.

That has happened to all of us, and not just in our homes. We have also felt it in the workplace, in studies and in almost all those places that we frequent. However, in the particular case of the place we inhabit, we must pay attention to certain situations that generate negativity. Maybe that is your case, that you are causing negative energies and you don’t know it.

For example, discussions with your partner or with people who live under your same roof, can leave energetic sequels inside the sick house. Likewise, individuals who constantly go through life seeing everything in a negative way, with pessimism, who are surrounded by despair, leave very unfavorable trails.

When you have that feeling of your sick house, that which is not seen but that you definitely perceive, you should start by cleaning your interior. How to know that you are the first to clean? When you have sudden mood swings, it is easy for you to start fights, you feel uncomfortable in your own home… It’s time to act and fast!

It is mandatory for you to recover the peace that you must breathe in that sacred place, where you manage to reconcile a restful sleep and easily detach yourself from stress, caused by so many tense or unpleasant situations faced throughout the day. For this there are multiple tips, and we will share some with you.

But first, it is important that you recognize that in effect, you may be generating part of that tension that you feel in your home, and then begin to clean within yourself and thus continue with the purification of the physical space that surrounds you. Only «from the inside out» will you achieve that desired sanitation.

Reflect on your life, your relationships, how you relate to the rest of your peers. Analyze if indeed, you are a nice person for the majority or if you feel that they can come to consider you a toxic person. From there, begin to correct attitudes and the way you bond with those around you.

Order in your life, order in your house

Once your life is in order, order your sick house. Do not accumulate things that you no longer use or that are in poor condition. Get out of all that ASAP as they bring a lot of negative energy.

Apply the law of emptiness

Once your sick house has been cleared of useless objects, give it a good cleaning. If it is about the floors, a deep mop with water and enough salt, collaborates with the elimination of negative energies. You should get rid of all the clothes and shoes that you no longer wear. Also, throw away all the papers that do not work.

let the air circulate

At least once a week, open all the windows in your home, allow air to flow throughout your home, but much better if you do it during times of low vehicular traffic.

wear light colors

Paint the walls of your sick house in pastel tones, in those places that are related to rest such as your room or the rest room.

What to do if you still feel heavy?

You are probably not taking full advantage of the given recommendations, however, there are still others that can also be used, which will undoubtedly contribute to your home becoming that refuge it always was.

Place many natural plants

Allow enough natural light to enter your home; the sun will help eradicate negative energy.

Take the mattresses out of the beds and put them in the sun, at least once a month.

Tidy up your bed every day, tend it carefully. This way you will mark the beginning of your day and when you return, when you go to sleep and untie it, it will signal the end of your day.

Fruits help positive energies flow throughout the house. As much as possible, keep it in the kitchen or where you eat.

Meditation works too

Cleaning the house and also the mind is key to definitively expel all negative energy that surrounds us. If you have bad thoughts, you suffer from constant fears, tension and stress are stronger than your will, it is time for you to indulge in a deep meditation. Balance your chakras, eliminate the mental obstacles that you often put on without realizing it. Strengthen your self-esteem, love yourself very much.

Believe in your dreams and fight for them, convince yourself that you can achieve all your goals, keep only positive thoughts and surround yourself with enterprising people. Give yourself a couple of days a week and dedicate yourself to meditate. Use aromatherapy in those intimate moments with yourself; relax in a comfortable, quiet place but you can also listen to pleasant and serene music while you do your meditation.

Enjoy a clean home

If you develop each of these tips, you can ensure that very soon you will begin to enjoy a home clean of negative charges, you will see how the tensions and tension between the inhabitants of your house will decrease. In addition, it will be much more fun to be in a home with more space since you will have gotten rid of the unnecessary, and where order and cleanliness prevail.

Finally, to ensure that your home remains free of negative energies, listen to relaxing music frequently and at a volume that does not disturb you. Periodically purify your home to keep it clean of unpleasant burdens, using scented candles, oils, or incense sticks.

Avoid at all costs that negative energy returns to your home; preserve your home with the harmony that you deserve, take care of it as the precious object that it is. It is your refuge and there you should feel calm and protected.

Taken from Home Medicine