Grandma’s beauty tips

The desire to stay beautiful has been around since… forever! Before the wonderful (and usually expensive) cosmetic products, facials, laser hair removal, and surgeries, our grandmothers kept themselves beautiful through home tricks that were passed down from generation to generation. Granny, granny, what are your beauty tips?

Goodbye to pimples and pimples: In addition to a low-fat diet and water consumption, it is important to change the cover (lining) of your pillow regularly, this way you will prevent the fat from your skin from accumulating and contaminating your face while you sleep.

Healthy nails: If you use nail polish constantly, you will notice that your nails take on a yellowish tone. To avoid this, use a transparent base under your favorite color and let your nails rest naturally for a couple of days each month.

Give life to your dry hair: If you have dry hair, you can moisturize it with an avocado, olive oil or mayonnaise mask. If it is only the tips, apply the treatment only in that area.

Makeup that lasts and lasts: Massaging your face gently with an ice cube or lemon juice will give your makeup a stronger hold.

Say goodbye to dark circles: To combat puffy eyes and dark circles, moisten a cotton ball in a mixture of warm tea and salt and place it on your eyelids for 10 or 15 minutes. A couple of potato slices will also make you look more rested.

Attack tabs: If you want long and beautiful eyelashes, rub them with a little olive oil before sleeping. By the way you will be treating the crow’s feet! (expression lines around the eyes).

Homemade makeup remover: Wash your face with a little milk, dry it with a soft towel or cotton and apply toner. You won’t believe how soft and smooth your skin will be.

Refresh your skin after sun: If you have been exposed to the sun for several hours and your skin is somewhat red, get an aloe vera plant, cut a leaf and extract the crystals inside. Rub the affected areas with these and you will see how the redness disappears. The vast majority of cosmetic products for sun exposure treatment are based on this wonderful plant.

Mask for oily skin: Add a pinch of salt to half a cup of plain yogurt. Massage your face with this mask in small circular movements.

To combat dry skin: The hands, elbows and knees are usually the areas most prone to dryness. Prepare a mixture of moisturizer or hair conditioner and sugar. Rub the area to be treated with gentle circular movements, let it act for a few minutes and rinse.

tone up: Nothing like ice to tone in a focused way. Use an ice pack or plastic bag filled with ice. Wrap it in a towel or thin cloth and place it on the area to be treated. Never apply ice directly or leave it on your skin for a long time as it can cause burns.

Grandma’s beauty tips are as easy as they are effective, just make sure you’re not allergic to any of the recommended ingredients and… enjoy the beauty tips!

taken from forever woman