These celebrities fell in love while starring in famous soap operasAlthough they had a dream love on the small screen, it transcended into real life.
They met while acting, the recording set witnessed their love and today they continue to be one of the most stable couples in entertainment. That is why we compiled the names of these celebrities who continue to live their idyll and are very loved by their followers.
Celebrities fell in love while acting: Catherine Siachoque and Miguel Varoni
Catherine Siachoque and Miguel Varoni met in 1997 when they were recording The JuanasFrom that moment everything was love at first sight. Then they became inseparable souls and today they continue together being one of the most admired couples.
Kathy Saenz and Sebastian Martinez
Kathy Sáenz and Sebastián Martínez met while working on the novel Prohibited games in 2005, in the plot they were a couple and their love transcended the screens. What started as a scandal because she was older than him, ended up being one of the most stable and beloved couples by Colombians.
Paola Rey and Juan Carlos Vargas
Paola Rey and Juan Carlos Vargas met in the middle of the soap opera Monte Cristo in 2007, from there the spark was lit. Today they have a pretty solid marriage, they are highly admired by their fans, and they have two beautiful children.
And you, Did you know where the love of these famous Colombian couples came from? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.