They say that marriage is for life, but of course, not everyone thinks the same. This is where the question arises: why are there people who continue with their partner even though their marriage is unhappy?
According to a study by a British law firm, Slater & Gordon, the main reason why unhappy spouses continue with their married life is because they think they will not have the courage to make the decision, reported the Huffington Post.
The study also notes that a fifth of the 2,000 married people surveyed indicated that they felt trapped in their relationship but would not consider divorce unless their financial situation was guaranteed.
Then we leave you the top 10 reasons that people who considered themselves unhappy in their marriage gave not to get divorcedaccording to the study:
1. I think I don’t have enough courage.
2. I am afraid to regret it.
3. I hope things get better between us.
4. It would have too much impact on the family / We have to stay together for the children.
5. I could not support myself financially.
6. I don’t want to have to leave my home or have to sell the family home.
7. I think I’m too old now.
8. I would feel guilty leaving my family.
9. I am afraid of having to face life alone.
10. Loneliness worries me.
Related note: 5 signs that your partner is not happy, here.
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Tell us, do you feel unhappy in your relationship and are you afraid of getting a divorce?