Jupiter Mercury conjunction: Ritual to channel your energy

With this simple ritual you will be able to channel towards you the positive energy that radiates the Jupiter Mercury conjunction, according to astrology. Don’t let her pass!

Though this planetary conjunction occurs on March 5, 2021, energetically it has an influence that can last up to a week, according to astrology experts, so you can channel it by following the following ritual. Take note!

Ritual to channel the energy of the conjunction Jupiter Mercury

During Friday, March 5, at any time, take a glass container, fill it halfway with water and put it on the window for at least an hour. When the sun begins to hide on the horizon, take it under your bedlocated just below the area where you lay your head when sleeping.

Now, take a piece of red paper (if you can’t find red paper, you can use white, but make sure the ink on the pen is red) and write your full name with the opposite hand the one you normally write to.

And just before going to sleep, put said paper under the container with water. Leave it there for three nights and three days to attract into your home the positive energy that comes from the conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter, sleeping normally.

On the morning of day 4 water all the plants in your house with that water (if you don’t have pots, do it in the nearest meadow) and burn the piece of paper, with great caution, until it is made ashes. Finally, shed said ashes in the pots or nearby park.

What is a conjunction of planets?

According to the astronomical glossary published by the web portal Astromía.com, a conjunction between celestial bodies occurs when they «approach» each other from the terrestrial perspective; that means an observer on Earth can see them superimposed, even though they are actually still distant.

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