Early stimulation for babies, fabulous exercises!

The exercises of early stimulation for babies They are highly recommended for flexibility and optimal development.

When parents are first-timers, many questions arise, such as “what to do when the baby teethes”, “until what age to breastfeed a baby” but also talking about early stimulation is essential. That is why we give you some recommendations that will be of great help to you with your baby.

Early stimulation to do with your baby

In the first three months of life, it is important that you begin to stimulate your baby with activities such as holding his hands and feet and playing with his fingers, one by one, massaging his hands and feet, when he is on his back, you can take the soles of your feet and bring your knees to your chest and repeat 5 times with each leg and then increase the frequency. You can also have your baby lying on her back, take her hands and make circle movements with her arms.

If your baby is three to six months old, there will be other exercises that you can do, such as gently moving the bicycle with his legs, hold his hands and play clapping, when he is on his back, bend one leg while you extend the other and help him turn to the side of the extended leg or take his arms and slowly raise him to a sitting position. In addition, you can lay him on his stomach and place some toys in front of him so that he tries to reach them.

And you, Do you already know what early stimulation exercises you can do with your baby? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.