Would you like to know if it is a boy or a girl without going to the doctor?

Pregnancy is an important moment not only for women that you are going to have a baby but for your partner and the whole family.

The most exciting thing about when someone close to you gets pregnant is knowing what it will be, a boy or a girl.many women have to wait 4 months to find out what sex the baby will have and this is usually done through a ultrasound is the wait is eternal. That is why we are going to tell you about a super effective method that will save you time because you will know if it is a boy or a girl instantly. Traditional methods such as the Chinese calendar or the Mayan table have been used for centuries, because it really works. Here we show you how to use it.

How does the table work? First you have to calculate exactly as stipulated by the method based on the lunar phases which indicates, that in new moon or crescent is more likely to have a boy, while on a full moon or last quarter there will be more chances of having a girl.

Second to consider is that the year of conception and the age of the future mother is important information, are other important numbers to predict the sex of the baby in the Mayan table. In this sense, it is said that if the two numbers are even or odd, you will have a girl, while if you have an even and an odd number, you will give birth to a boy.

also vibrates with: Care to have sex during pregnancy

This is the maximum, they will be able to know the sex of the baby ahead of time. Share in your social networks.

Information from: My baby and me.