People with low self-esteem post on Facebook this…

Have you ever wondered how others see you based on what you post on Facebook? Social networks reveal our personality and these are 6 types of publications that speak of our low self-esteem.

One of the most used social networks in the world is Facebook, in which a series of texts and images are shared daily with millions of people who see them with just one click. But what about our self love in those posts?

Experts determined that what we share on Facebook says a lot about our personality and intelligence, since according to them, the content of the publications we make is a projection of our fears and insecurities.

For this reason, it is advisable to analyze very well what you want to upload to this social network so as not to be too exposed.

1- Share your location

What do you want to prove to others by doing this? Probably they realize that you have the possibility of giving yourself the high life and that you have a divine time by posting that you traveled to such a place, that you went to a concert or that you are traveling by plane. If so, why better not enjoy? Great moments are lost while we spend it glued to the cell phone or become obsessed with some social network. In addition, for your safety it is not recommended to be specifying where you are or where you are.

2 – When you post photos in the gym

Uploading photos and bragging that you are in the gym will not make you multiply the results of the gym. Already these days it’s hard to see someone who doesn’t post when they go to the gym. If you don’t post a photo, does that mean you didn’t go?

3 – Share photos of your meals

If your contacts don’t give a damn about your mood, do you think they care about what you’re going to eat? Why not enjoy the pleasures of life? (which of course the first of them is to eat), instead of checking your cell phone every 5 seconds to see who liked your photo. Or do you need a certain number of likes to start eating?

4 – Share (better say BROW) all the purchases you have made

You definitely show your low self-esteem. How different, important or special does sharing your purchases make you? There is nothing more unbearable than someone who is smug. And if what you bought is the iPhone, avoid uploading photos of it, avoid such ridiculousness.

5 – Photos of your cars or in your car showing off the brand

None of that makes you a superior being.

6. Multiple selfies

The University of Arkansas shared that people who constantly upload photos are due to insecurity. They need to be accepted by others, so they constantly upload selfies from their best angles to be flattered.

We leave you this list so that you think, reflect and see what is the next thing that you are going to post.

Taken from Telefe News