Cristina Hurtado published a video telling how much she gets paid for a magazine cover

Cristina Hurtado He surprised his followers with a video where he talked about how they pay to make a magazine cover.

Since Cristina Hurtado announced that she was pregnant, she has connected much more with her followers, which is why she started her own YouTube channel. In it, she has stood out for giving her fans several surprises and revealing details that few knew, such as knowing how much they pay for a magazine cover.

How much do celebrities get paid to appear on a magazine cover? Cristina Hurtado replied

The presenter assured that it was a question that they constantly asked her, and that is why she decided to make a video dedicated to answering that and other doubts. To begin with, Cristina mentioned that she has been the protagonist of several covers throughout the 18 years in the media and highlighted that one of her most important was the first one she did when she was expecting her second child. her.

However, he also wanted to resolve the question of what value they received for being on the covers and that is why he mentioned “Here in my country Colombia the covers are not paid. It is simply an invitation to be part of the cover of that edition, what do you take into account? that the character who is invited is going through an important moment”. He then added that the celebrity must have something important to say, since that guarantees that the reader will ultimately buy the magazine.

And you, Did you think that celebrities were paid to appear on the covers of journals? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.