Impressive cases of anorexia in Hollywood

These famous were in the bones because of their eating disorders. Check out the stunning “before and after” photos of anorexia…

Eating disorders are a latent problem, hundreds of people suffer from them, however, not everyone takes it for what it is, a disease. There are ways to make them visible, which is why several personalities have had the courage to make it public.

Anorexia is a very serious disease, which can end a person’s life and take him to the grave, however, many Hollywood celebrities have fallen for iteither due to stress or pressure from the media, managers, entertainment producers and the public itself, which criticizes them when they are too skinny but does not forgive them an extra kilo.

These are the most popular cases of anorexia

Meet the celebrities who suffered or suffer from this eating disorder:

Remember that this condition is a disease that affects women and men alike, of any age and socioeconomic status. If it is in your hands to help someone who suffers, do not hesitate to guide them with professionals.

doHave you ever felt pressured by your weight? Tell us in the comments and share this note, in addition to “Like” the corresponding post on our fan pageyou could help raise awareness in some anorexic person!

A woman who suffered from anorexia today has her own modeling agency size XL, know her story here @KarenVinasco

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) August 20, 2014