Mafalda turns 50 – Vibra

We celebrate the 50th birthday of the first publication of Mafalda, by Quino, remembering details that you did not know or had forgotten about the universe of this comic.

-Every time someone in Mafalda’s family He suffered an anxiety crisis, they ran to buy him a medicine at the pharmacy, which was called… Nervo Calm!

-Mafalda, at the time of being published for the first time, how old was he?… 6 years old!

-Although of many characters We only know the first name, from Manolito we knew the surname, which is… Gareiro.

-The pet of Mafalda is a turtle, which is called… Bureaucracy!

-Mom from Mafalda her name is… Raquel.

-And Pope Maflada’s name is… It is never said, but we do know his age, 37 years old.

-Name Susanita’s complete is… Susana Clotilde Chirusi.

-According to Mafalda, Soup is to childhood what communism is to… Democracy!

-Favorite music group of Mafalda is… The Beatles!

-Susanita fell in love with… Felipe!

-The program The TV show that Felipe loves the most is… The Lone Ranger!

-Guille loves to… Brigitte Bardot

-The idol Manolito’s is…Rockefeller!

-Although Freedom she is not the youngest, she is the shortest…

-Susanita When she grows up she wants to be… Wife and mother.

-Philip hates… School and homework.

-Surname from Miguelito is… Pitti.

-Manolitomeanwhile, The Beatles… He hates!

-Surname of Felipe is… It is not known!

-Guille he is addicted to chupo… But on the rocks!

-Pope de Manolito had a store called… Don Manolo!