Swollen abdomen? avoid it this way

All women have suffered from this evil, for various reasons we always end up with our swollen abdomen and there will be no shortage of those who ask, and how old are you? Here we will tell you what you should do to avoid this discomfort.

Abdominal swelling or bloating is a common symptom of many digestive diseases and ailments.


The most common causes are indigestion, intolerance to certain foods or their components and some chronic diseases, including gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome and constipation.

When abdominal inflammation is frequent, it is necessary to consult a doctor to establish the cause of the inflammation and start the treatment indicated by the doctor, self-medication is not advisable.

Sometimes the inflammation can be accompanied by abdominal pain and flatulence, sometimes these symptoms are caused by the consumption of foods rich in fat, highly seasoned, or some gas-producing foods such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and drinks with gas.

A diet rich in fiber is necessary for good digestion, however, an excess in its consumption can also cause flatulence and abdominal distension, as well as when fiber consumption is increased quickly and suddenly, for this reason the increase in consumption fiber should be gradual and accompanied by the intake of sufficient water.

what you must do

To reduce the probability of having abdominal swelling, it can also be useful to avoid large meals, eat slowly, avoid chewing gum for a long time, talk or laugh while eating as it will make it easier to swallow air and this also favors abdominal distension.

An important recommendation to avoid bloating is the regular consumption of yogurt, since this is a food that has been shown to have benefits for digestive health, especially those that are added with probiotic bacteria, as these microorganisms help modulate the intestinal microbiota, they improve the digestion of some components such as lactose and perform functions that benefit intestinal health. Probiotics are mainly found in dairy drinks and yogurt.

Taken from New Woman