What does the protagonist of ‘Reach for a star’ look like today?

Look at the before and after of the leading actress of the Mexican soap opera To reach a starmore than two decades after its broadcast!

Many years before productions like Rebel Y Ugly Betty, there was a Mexican soap opera that was a kind of mix between these two stories; is about To reach a starwhich originally aired in 1990 and that it had a second part the following year. If you remember?

It was starring Eduardo Capetillo, the youthful idol Eduardo Casablanca, and Mariana Garza (Lorena Gaitán), a young unattractive fanatic but with a talent for interpreting and composing songs. She fulfilled the dream of every teenager: fall in love with her impossible love, a famous singer.

Prior to To reach a star, the actress Mariana Garza was part of the children’s group Timbirichethrough which artists of the stature of Paulina Rubio, Thalía and the co-star of the soap opera that made him famous in our country, Eduardo Capetillo, passed.

What does the protagonist of ‘Reach for a star’ look like today? Look at hers before and after

Has it changed a lot, a little or not at all? Write what you think in the comments of this note.

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And share it on your social networks. Your friends will be very nostalgic!

Awesome #Before and after from the original cast of ‘Fathers and children’… OMG! https://t.co/HcYpOpKkhl

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) September 19, 2018