Your ideal honeymoon according to your zodiac sign

Are you going on your honeymoon but still haven’t chosen where to travel? We tell you which destination is for you, according to your zodiac sign.

Each zodiac sign has a characteristic personality, shaped by the way in which the stars affect them according to their date of birth, that is why it is possible to recommend the ideal destination that will enjoy more each astrological quadrant.

Your ideal honeymoon according to your zodiac sign

  • ARIES: You are attracted to mystery, so go to the Middle East, especially Tehran.
  • TAURUS: Your thing is to walk quietly, away from the noise. Take a tour of the old towns of Spain.
  • GEMINI: You need contrast between the new and the old, which is why Germany is the ideal destination for you.
  • CANCER: You like the classic, that’s why the pyramids are waiting for you! Spend your honeymoon in Egypt.
  • LEO: You are very visual; go to Denmark, where you will find the latest cutting edge in design.
  • VIRGO: You need to relax, disconnect and isolate yourself, that’s why Jamaica is your ideal destination.
  • POUND: You like to connect with people, so the ideal is to spend your honeymoon in a place like the Philippines.
  • SCORPION: You need to feel alive, reconnect with your roots. A destination like Peru will achieve this goal.
  • SAGITTARIUS: Rumba, drink, mariachis. Yours is Mexico!
  • CAPRICORN: You don’t want to be a tourist, but to know with your heart, that’s why Japan awaits you together with your partner.
  • AQUARIUM: You are from traditional destinations, that’s why any point in the United States will make you happy.
  • PISCES: Romance is everything to you. Go to Italy with your love!

also vibrates with: Can you imagine a honeymoon alone?

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