How to lose 15 kilos in a healthy way?

Do you go from diet to diet for nothing? Do you go in and out of the gym without seeing results? Do you want to lose those annoying extra kilos but you don’t know how? Look what worked for this young lady.

If you are one of those who has been fighting against extra kilos for almost all of their adult life, you will be inspired by this story of constancy, with a healthy ending. We present to you Marga Banaga, a young woman whose weight loss has gone viral on Instagram.

Check out his before and after:

This young woman became famous on networks thanks to the fact that she posted a photo or video every day as part of the challenge 100-day fitness challengewhich has become popular thanks to an app that bears his name and the book BodyBoss Method. The result is overwhelming. It can be clearly seen in the summary of your 100 days.

“I gave up everything I loved: cheese, alcohol and sweets. When people asked me out, I had to turn them down. I could not tempt myself with food and alcohol because I knew that my self-control was not good yet, ”she told the portal. Cosmo.

Marga, 25, is building her life project on the networks thanks to the success she has had with her weight loss story, because she wants to be an example for girls like her to follow, that is why she has revealed what did you do every day during the weeks of the challenge:

  • He worked out every day without fail, but it varied, one day he did intervals, another boxing, etc., that way he didn’t fall into a routine
  • He stopped weighing himself and taking measurements of his body
  • I looked for healthy recipes and tried one every day
  • Every day he watched a motivational video on youtube, so he felt energized again to move forward
  • He was aware that he was not going to see results overnight, which helped him to have realistic goals

15 kilos later, this young woman assures that her body no longer has a reverse gear, because for the first time in her life she knows that will not gain weight again.

Do not diet without supervisionask for nutritional advice with the specialist of your choice.

also vibrates with: «Thinking about weight is stupid»

What do you think? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your networks! Your friends and family who want to lose weight will thank you.