Jessi Uribe came out in a daring video without clothes and caused a furor in networks

Disguised as a “chef”, Jessi Uribe came out in a daring video without clothes and caused a furor in networks! She avoided censorship with an emoji.

The popular music singer he constantly delights his admirers with the sexy pictures that you share through your social networks.

Jessi Uribe came out in a daring video without clothes and the compliments do not stop

In each publication he has boasted how handsome he is and how much he has shaped his body in recent months with the help of different aesthetic procedures. It gets better every time!

Nevertheless, nothing had been so revealing until nowbecause he recently shared a video with which the temperature rose to more than one.

In the pictures appears completely naked, covering himself with nothing more than a kitchen apron. The unusual thing about the images is not only the singer’s attire, but also that at one point turned around to show his rearbut to avoid Instagram censorship, hid it with a peach emoji.

In the short recording, the Tolimense assures that you are ready with your “chef costume”while letting out a mischievous laugh and accompanying his video by saying: «Today I’m going to sweat chicken 😂»

So far the video already has more than 83 thousand “likes” and thousands of comments from his fans, who do not stop complimenting him.

«If you’re going to show everything, don’t crave us!», «🔥 It’s not worth it 😘😘», «Let me see hahahahahahahahaha», «I want to eat that chicken!», «😂 Well done 😂 I wantoooooo ”, “That is not done … 😢 The next one will be seen hahaha”.

And you, What did you think of the singer’s video? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this note on all your networks!

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