What is ice on the face for? relieve a lot of things

Although many people wonder What is ice on the face for?this home remedy is a classic of grandmothers to solve one or another cosmetic problem.

If we asked some parents this question, they would think that ice only goes in whiskey, but the truth is that for as long as we can remember, grandmothers and mothers use frozen water to reduce swelling and even to remove bruises. for the blows we gave ourselves when we were little.

In case you want to know the Acid Mantle, what is it for?, or you want to write down the tips that we are going to give you about the placement of ice on the face to fill your notebook with homemade tricks, then this note will fall in love with you because you’re going to learn a couple of little things that maybe you didn’t know until now.

What is ice used for on the face with acne?

Acne is one of the most common dermatological problems among women and men. This condition in the dermis generates skin rashes and inflammation in the affected areas, so the ice could reduce localized swelling, stimulating blood circulation and causing the pores to lose their obstructions due to impurities. Try to rub the ice on your skin for 5-10 minutes each day. Don’t try to use it more than 3 times a week because it could dry out your skin.

What is the use of ice on the face at night?

Although it may not seem like it, ice would be a very helpful product for the care of your face. This could make spots caused by the sun or acne disappear and even help prevent and combat the appearance of wrinkles. A good trick would be to wrap an ice cube in cloths and massage the skin for a few seconds in the morning or at night, it would be a good treatment to prevent premature aging.

What is the use of ice on the face dark circles?

It is known that cold compresses would help to reduce puffiness in the eyes, bags and dark circles. The action of ice on the eyes would be very effective as it returns the correct blood circulation, thus avoiding purple or red pigmentation. Try wrapping ice in a very soft cloth handkerchief and putting it on the dark circles area for a few seconds, a couple of times a week.

What is the use of ice on the face before applying makeup?

Using a few ice cubes before starting your makeup routine is meant to make your skin smoother. With this trick, you will be able to close the dilated pores and your makeup will not look patchy because the dermis will be smooth and without imperfections. Also, you could prevent the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines, toning the skin. Remember not to apply ice to your face more than 3 times a week to avoid burns and dryness in the upper layers of the skin.

What is the use of ice on the bumps face?

Last but not least, there is the ice trick to make concussion bruises disappear. Cold compresses would be very useful on bumps as it would make the bruises produced by the lack of blood circulation and which forms the annoying bruises disappear. Apply the action of ice wrapped in a handkerchief on the bruise and rub gently to cool the affected area. It is important that you have previously definfected the skin if there is a cut or scrape.

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