Claudia Bahamón was robbed in Bogotá and she told all the details

They robbed Claudia Bahamón in Bogotá! Insecurity has this famous very worried and, in addition to telling details of the event, she left a message for the inhabitants of the capital.

The presenter of Master Chef Celebrity told through a series of stories on her official Instagram account details of how she was robbed in Bogotá, exactly at the traffic light on Calle 85 with Carrera 11. The situation seems alarming, since recently Epa Colombia He had denounced that his parents were about to be victims of shipping. Although the event occurred a week ago, she only now dared to reveal the story.

This is how Claudia Bahamón was robbed in Bogotá

The opita was in Bogotá staying in a hotel in the sector when she was the victim of the crime. In the videos, Claudia is clearly affected, since the event was traumatic, like any robbery. She had to stop the story several times, because according to her she expressed, just remembering it causes her stress.

She was walking down Calle 85 and when she reached the traffic light with Carrera 11, a motorcycle passed very close to the platform and grabbed her purse, which she had in the middle, and that is why the thief ended up dragging her with him to the middle of the street. . This is the story of the event:

«Let’s take care of ourselves very, very, very much. It’s very awful. (…) This to tell you that we have to be very careful and that’s it. I love.»

It was Claudia’s message for the inhabitants of the capital of the republic.

Although it indicates that it could have been much worse, showed one of the bruises that remained in his body.

Finally, she shared a direct message sent to her by a follower, in which she assured her that she had been robbed exactly the same.

What do you think about the robbery suffered by Claudia Bahamón? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks!