How to say «I love you» without throwing the relationship in the attempt?

Saying «I love you» usually marks a milestone in a relationship, which can consolidate it or end it. We tell you how to choose the ideal moment to say these words.

Why saying «I love you» is so important in a couple? And we mean the first «I love you», the one that will never be repeated no matter how many times we say the same words. It is not unforgettable, it is like the first kiss, but it is decisive: You can determine if the relationship continues or breaks.

Saying it too soon risks scaring the partner, who may prefer to slow down. If we take a long time to say it (or listen to it), we can think that something is wrong and that the relationship is going nowhere. In love many things can go wrong, but the worst that can happen to us is that our «I love you» is not reciprocated, right?

nothing scarier that for a «I love you» they answer you a «thank you». To avoid it, take note of these little tips, whether you are engaged, giving love a new chance or to give them to a friend who can take advantage of them:

  • If you are already in love but you do not know what your partner is thinking, wait until they tell you, so yours will be a true answer and you will go to the landline
  • Don’t say it on first dates, however you feel it will probably scare your crush
  • Do not even think of saying it as a thank you or at a time when you have just been given something, because it will seem that you said it out of pure commitment or to look good
  • The more intimate the moment, the better, but not necessarily sexual, as some people prefer not to bring the idea of ​​love into bed.
  • Saying it during an argument or to fix a fight is a very bad decision, it will make them believe that you are lying and they will not believe you even if you are serious
  • The best time to say «I love you» is when you are well, laughing or having a lot of fun together, but don’t forget to be romantic, don’t think it’s a joke

Have you ever said «I love you» and been hit with an answer you didn’t expect? Tell us! Write us your story in the comments of this note.