«Time traveler» claims to live in 2027 and records it in videos

In social networks, the story of an alleged «time traveler» who claims to live in 2027 and records it in videos that have thousands of views on TikTok.

One of the things that many of us have come to dream of at some point in life is to be able to travel in time, either to the past try to fix one or another misfortune or into the future know details of what life holds for us.

the illusion of power change the course of our destiny or take a look at what will come later it’s really intriguing; but sadly, even though technology has advanced by leaps and bounds in the last 20 years, trips of this type are only something that we can see in books, science fiction movies or cartoonsbut not in real life.

However, as crazy as it sounds, in the last few days a TikToker has gone viral who claims to be completely alone in the world nothing more and nothing less than in the year 2027from which he shares videos that supposedly prove his story!

The surprising story of the supposed «Time Traveler» who claims to live in 2027 and records it in videos

Is about a young man of Spanish nationality named ‘Javier’who in one of his popular clips recounted waking up one day in a hospital in the city of Valencia, Spain with no memory of who he was and what he was doing there. What madness!

He says that when he left the medical center he was surprised that he was the only human being in the place, so until today (and after supposedly staying 90 days in this alternate dimension) He has shared various videos on his TikTok account to corroborate his story.

The curious thing is that right there he states that his time seems to have a connection with the year 2021, so Internet users can see his story through the networks.

In this regard, hundreds of users have challenged him to visit what would be the busiest places in order to deny his story. But surprisingly, he has responded to several of them with videos of desolate stadiums, shopping malls, subways, churches, beaches, police stations and even the set of the iconic program «El Hormiguero».

More tests?

Many have assured that what he shows is not enough, which is why he decided to hide some key chains throughout the city so that his followers would find them and verify that his theory was real. Of course several found the articles, which made it more credible.

Although ‘Javier’ has tried countless times to prove the truth of his story by doing things that someone normally could not, such as drive an expensive Ducati or a police carthere are still many skeptics who claim that everything was recorded in quarantine.

And you, do you think his story is real? Is it possible that this happens or is it just a ‘fakenews’? Tell us in the comments!