7 Medicinal plants and what they are for, their best secrets!

It’s good that you know things about Medicinal plants and what they are used for because they could help you overcome some health problems with very easy home treatments.

In every Colombian home there is a medicinal plant. Popular wisdom passes from generation to generation and naturopathic treatments are part of it because grandmothers have the cure for every ailment using plants with often unknown effects, which would help improve health and on many occasions would not affect your body.

If you want to know what lettuce is for or you want to know each use for the health of the main medicinal plants that are available on the market, then we give you information that will be very useful:

Medicinal plants and what they are used for

We are going to show you a list of the 7 ancient plants that would bring the greatest benefits to your health in many aspects. Put them to the test to see if they work for you, but remember that their effects can vary from person to person and an additional recommendation, do not do home treatments with all of them at the same time!

7 medicinal plants and what they are used for


It is a well-known plant in the world. Even athletes often use it to deflate the muscles and joints when they have injuries in the middle of the competition. Also, it could relieve bruises and contusions, as well as relieve sprains. Its most used presentations are creams, oils or ointments.


This very famous plant is often recognized for having a refreshing and delicious flavor that can be part of culinary recipes. Its medicinal properties go through the disinfection and healing of skin wounds and even the eradication of bad breath. In addition, it would be very good to eliminate infections and burns that affect the dermis. Additionally, it would be highly recommended for the respiratory system since it would alleviate conditions caused by viruses such as the flu.


Its greatest benefits are due to its refreshing smell that would be useful for various purposes. Its fresh leaves are used in essential oils or to make teas to improve the respiratory system by unclogging nasal passages and soothing cold and flu symptoms. It could serve as disinfectants in skin wounds such as scrapes, burns or peeling.


It is important that you know that you must handle it with gloves because it can cause hives. Its main uses would be to stop bleeding, improve metabolic processes and purify waste from the digestive system. There are also those who claim that it would stimulate the formation of red blood cells and their circulation through the blood throughout the body.

Medicinal plants and what they are used for at home

Continuing with this tour of medicinal plants, we present the benefits of rosemary, lavender, sage, three essential nuances for home treatments that help your family improve their health in the blink of an eye.


This medicinal plant would be very functional since with its leaves, you could make aromatic waters that would have antioxidant properties and treat digestive ailments caused by abdominal spasms and even respiratory ailments when there are colds. In addition, it would become powerful in infusions to reduce inflammation of the joints or muscles. It is also often used to combat dandruff by cooling the scalp.


To this natural wonder would be attributed the solution for the headache caused by migraine, one of the strongest known. In addition, it would serve to combat insomnia, reduce stress and anxiety that actually occur with mild mental disorders. Another of its great properties is that it would be useful for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol in the blood.


This medicinal plant is usually consumed in infusions. Its best properties would be relaxing, diuretic, bactericidal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. In many cases, it would help regulate blood sugar levels. Another functionality of sage is that it would be a natural stimulant for the nervous system and the brain, since it would make it more active and provide it with a greater blood flow.

For us, your well-being is the most important thing and that is why we show you, what is the aloe vera used for? It is a natural wonder.