Color hair mask, so it will be beautiful!

Something that can make your appearance change and project a fresher image, is a colored face mask For the hair.

If you want to give a new touch to your look and impress wherever you go, hair is a strategic aspect because a good cut accompanied by a beautiful color can make many die of envy. To promote these changes, you could think of a mask that enhances the natural tone of your hair or adds some hints to it in another range, yes, you will have to be prepared to receive all kinds of compliments!

In order for you to have beautiful hair, we will show you a simple mask with milk and honey, in addition to showing you the best formula to use a color mask and thus achieve a new look that will even be reflected on your face:

What is the color mask?

Well, these masks are the easiest way to hydrate and condition your hair by adding some color pigments. These, mixed with natural hair, give a differentiated tone and with subtle or more intense colors, without having to use a dye and risk damaging the hair with chemicals. They are applied by means of a liquid of any tonality directly on the hair, immediately raising the color and providing extra luminosity.

What are the best color masks?

Of course, you must be careful not to apply masks that contain ingredients that are harmful to long-term hair health. It is best to look for those brands that allow you to refresh the tone of the dye and that give it shine, silkiness and reduce the frequency of applying the dyes. Try those products that, for example, are vegan, cruelty free, free of sulfates and parabens; these indications will make the nutrition of the roots deep and that they are obviously free of chemicals.

How to apply a colored hair mask?

To achieve the best results with these masks that will make you look beautiful, you should take into account 5 simple steps. In the end, you will have a mane that is better cared for and with striking colors:

  1. Wash your hair. This will remove any fat or residue that could prevent the mask from setting properly.
  2. If you don’t want the mask to add too much pigment, you could apply it when your hair is damp. If instead you want it to take on a much more pronounced coloration, do it with dry hair as it will absorb the tone more easily.
  3. Brush your hair, taking care to separate it into sections and distributing the mask well in each of these portions. Remember to always wear gloves or have your hairdresser do so to avoid skin problems.
  4. Let the product act between 30 and 60 minutes on the hair. Remember that these masks provide hydration, so do not be afraid to leave it during this time.
  5. Finally, rinse the hair using plenty of cold or lukewarm water and voila, it’s that easy to get the benefits of this color mask.

Recommendations for the color mask

Remember that these masks have no contraindications, which is why any woman can use it. As an additional tip, always seek advice from a professional stylist to find out the shade that could best suit you because what you are looking for is not only to have a nice color, but also for the range of shades you use to project more light on your face. Likewise, take advantage of changing the haircut to look through it, some angles that more outline your cheeks or the contour of your face.

At Vibra, we are your favorite image consultants. For this reason, we share with you hair masks that will regenerate it very quickly.