Young, gray-haired woman stops dyeing her hair and shows off her gray hair

This gray-haired young woman He no longer feels sorry for his gray hair and stopped dyeing it. Now her story has gone viral and is an example to follow for thousands of young people who, like her, suffer from premature graying.

Why premature gray hair?

The appearance of gray hair is a normal process that is expected from the third decade of life, but when they appear before it is considered a premature graying. This phenomenon can occur for various reasons, such as genetic inheritance, vitamin deficiency, vitiligo or even the prolonged use of certain medications.

Meet the young gray-haired woman who wears her gray hair with pride

Lauren Midgley, from Alberta (Canada), is 26 years old and her head has been full of gray hair since she was 12. She dyed her hair for several years to cover them up, though she was never satisfied with the results, as she explains on her Instagram account. Look how she looked as a child and then when she dyed her hair…

According to the British newspaper Daily MailLauren knew that going gray was a possibility, since it was a family trait from her mother’s side; in her college years, her mother spent hours dyeing her hair to try to cover your gray patches.

When Lauren turned twenty, she realized how much money she had to pay to keep her gray hair hidden: more than $94 dollars (about 300,000 Colombian pesos) a month. In 2018 he decided to stop covering his gray hair and wear your hair naturally.

One day she found an account on Instagram called Grombre, which posts photos of women who don’t dye their gray hair; Since she didn’t see girls her age, she sent a photo and was very happy to see that it was published and received many positive comments. That is why she decided to create her own thematic account on said social network: @embracethegreys (embrace the greys).

On his IG account, he shares details about his gray hair and how he feels about its color; he also shares tips about how he takes care of it, the products he uses, and generally writes upbeat messages about the reasons why he doesn’t cover his gray hair.

“I’ve heard people say things like, ‘what happened to your hair?’, ‘why would you stop dyeing your hair?’, ‘how do you have so many gray hairs?’ And are you sure there’s nothing wrong with you medically?’”

“I also get a lot of compliments from strangers about my hair and I am very happy to see more and more people accepting their gray hair.”

Lauren told the quoted newspaper.

Tell us, What do you think about this 26-year-old girl showing her natural gray hair? You would do the same? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks!