What did you dream of being when you were a child?

Surely when you were little you dreamed of saving the world in a thousand ways, or you wanted to reach the moon or maybe you dreamed of taking care of other children, being a model, and why not a doctor.

But the truth is that as you grew older, you realized the reality of each profession and over time you said «let it be»and you leaned towards more real and less complex things that did not put your life or that of others at risk and that were more in keeping with you and your lifestyle.

This is a list of most popular dreams when we were children and that in adolescence we change what was your dream

1. Police

You dreamed of world peace and wanted to be the best police officer, but the truth is that you took more risks controlling traffic, breaking up demonstrations, enduring insults and everything for a minimum salary and you will never receive a thank you.

2. Model

When we are children we feel so confident because we are prettier than others, but changes are inevitable in adolescence and the truth is that grace is definitely lost, plus there are other prettier girls.

3. Fireman

What is more heroic than this? You could dream of saving cats, jumping through fire, but like the policeman, risking your life in a moment of action that would rarely be repeated, as well as boring because fires don’t happen every day, do they?

4. Ballerina

You dreamed of being a dancer because at parties and since you were little you were the center of attraction for your parents and relatives, but when you discovered the world, you realized that dancing was not necessarily in front of an audience and even less so with a tutu, you could also do it every eight days with your friends.

5. Soldier

Fight against the bad guys, fight for an ideal and sacrifice for humanity, not to mention this, it is sad to see that while you fight, others have the power to make or manage peace.

6. Doctor or Physician

Almost all of us had a set of medical instruments, a stethoscope, a thermometer and even bandages, but at school we understand that we can’t bear to see blood and the worst thing is when your parents tell you «think about it, that career is very long and expensive», all so as not to tell you that there is no economic way to pay for it.

7. Soccer player

You grew up watching El Pibe, Tino’s goals, Higuita’s saves but the truth is you never enrolled in a school and even less did you have the opportunity to step on a soccer field and that’s why you stayed playing in the street betting soda with the neighbors.

8. Teacher

Yes, of course, you wore a gown, you took your crayons and you taught your younger brothers to paint and when you went to high school you spent all the time contradicting your teacher on duty, that’s when you realized that children are very complicated to drive and that teenagers are worse.

9. President

This is the most difficult to specify because if you are not from a family with political roots, with some money and influence, you may not be recognized, of course when you are a child that matters, but when you are more adult you start to hate even the laws, the police and everything that is close to politics generates some kind of negative reaction.

10. Singer

In your time there were no reality shows and you only sang at school and in social gatherings for your family, the lack of opportunities made you understand that recording an album was expensive, that you needed to have a godfather and that you had to sing something that was fashionable, fortunately today there is karaoke and there you can exploit your dream, obviously without being famous.


11. Actress or Actor

Acting is perhaps one of the most innate professions that we all possess and the truth is that we know how to do it, we act in front of our parents, our teachers, our partner, our boss and thus we come to the conclusion that you do not need much of the tables to look good – or bad – with others.

Do you remember what was the profession you dreamed of being as an adult? Comment here.