Potatoes, rice and pasta, don’t they get fat when they cool down?

Some carbohydrates, such as potatoes, rice, and pasta, appear to provide fewer calories when chilled.

Do you like cold potatoes? Take advantage of this gastronomic whim, because according to some research, carbohydrates like rice, potatoes, and pasta may provide fewer calories when chilled. What happens is that some starches are more resistant to the enzymes that the body uses to break down carbohydrates in the intestine, which means that less is absorbed. Scientists around the world are after them.

Recent research by Sri Lankan scientists has found that preparing rice with coconut oil and then leaving it in the fridge for half a day before eating would reduce its caloric content by up to 60%.

Refrigeration is essential because amylose, the soluble part of starch, leaves the granules during gelatinization. researcher Sudhair James told the BBC

As for the potato, which doesn’t taste bad when cold (let’s remember the Russian salad), Dr. Salomon Jakubowicz, known for his blog Not another dietensures on its website that cooling the potato rescues that effect of «resistant starch».

And the paste? The BBC also reported some time ago that cooking the pasta and then letting it cool changes its structure, transforming it into an already explained “resistant starch”.

If pasta is made and then allowed to cool, the body will treat it as something similar to fiber, causing a smaller rise in blood glucose Dr Denise Robertson (University of Surrey) told BBC

In all cases, by reheating food, they would continue to maintain their reduced caloric intake, as the specialists explain… Incredible, right? Faced with this frenzy for cold carbohydrates, nutritionist Nancy Melo calls for sanity, remembering that it is a subject that is still in the research stage.

If you want to lose weight without giving up carbohydrates, what you have to do is look at the portions and ingredients. if a potato weighs 60 grams and a portion of rice weighs 100 grams, then rice provides more calories because it weighs more, whether they are hot or cold; Similarly, 60 g of French fries have more calories than 60 g of steamed potatoes Nancy Melo, nutritionist

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