Sansevieria, care of an ideal plant to decorate

The sansevieria needs care which are very simple, which is why novices in the world of gardening prefer this particular plant to start planting at home.

The plant also called «mother-in-law’s tongue» or «tiger’s tongue», is one of the most famous perennial species in homes, as it is highly recommended to decorate any space due to its upright shape and the color it brings to the place where to be found

We want to teach you how to take care of the soil and the proper way to maintain the sansevieria so that you are encouraged to plant it at home and thus create a beautiful garden with this species that will surely be one of your favorites:

sansevieria care

You should know that this It is one of the most resistant plants and requires the least special care.. Here are some specific recommendations that you can follow to see it flourish in the best way:

  • He really likes exposure to the sun, but try not to be direct all the time. Open spaces such as gardens or terraces are the ones that most favor it to grow.
  • Watering is not something you need too much. Apply water whenever you see the dry substrate, taking care not to puddle the soil.
  • You should fertilize the soil in which it is planted once a month with a mineral fertilizer.
  • It does not require pruning for its maintenance.

Sansevieria pot care

It doesn’t matter if you plant it directly in the ground or in a pot, sansevieria will flourish anyway. Perhaps the only major precaution that should be taken when you want to house it in a pot, is that this guarantees a good drainage that allows you to evacuate the excess water. For this reason, in addition to adding a few bottom holes to the container, you should use a specific substrate for cacti if it is indoors. Outdoors, simply drainage would suffice.

Dwarf sansevieria care

It is important that you avoid strong drafts that can burn their leaves. If they turn yellowish or brown, it means that you should remove them because they have died. The irrigation you should apply is the same in all cases, only when the soil is dry. A trick that we want to give you is that you try not to touch the tips of the leaves, these are too sensitive and contact can easily damage them.

When to water sansevieria?

As it is a plant that is very resistant to heat and some changes in temperature, the recommendation is to do it every two weeks in times of cool weather such as spring or hot weather such as summer. In cold weather, one watering per month would be ideal.

How much does sansevieria grow?

This is a very particular plant, because it flowers a long time after its cultivation, but once it does, it shows erect leaves of different shades of green that can reach more or less 50 cm in height.

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