Why do we enjoy picking pimples on our partner?

If you’ve ever caught yourself picking pimples on your partner and wonder why I’m doing this? The answer will surprise you.

Some people can’t resist the temptation of getting a pimple, and it’s not just an aesthetic issue (so you don’t have that «directional» light on your skin), but, let’s face it, they take pleasure in performing that disgusting act.

We enjoy picking pimples on the boyfriend or husband for this

It happens in life, it happens in love. Many men ask their partners why they like to remove pimples and, surely, we answer that we do it so that their skin looks beautiful and healthy after the small wound that we have inflicted on them heals.

However, science has another interpretation. If we think about it, we can remember some scenes from documentaries about wildlife in which they show other species of primates picking their lice and we discover that human beings have certain intimate behaviors that are too similar.

“Women see grooming as a sign of a serious and lasting romantic relationship. In social mammals, grooming is much more than hygienic: it demonstrates strong bonds and relationships. Many of the things women do for grooming can be to show other women that this man is their partner“.

explained to YourTango Dr. in anthropology Michelle Sauther, from the University of Colorado.

According to this view, literally we would be «marking territory» with this type of action. And it is that in complex societies, interpersonal cleanliness seems to help facilitate social relations and establish dominant hierarchies.

“I suspect that this aspect of social relationships may help explain, in part, why human women groom their partners. Because humans are unique among primates in forming long-term monogamous relationships, grooming can help form and maintain those relationships. Certainly grooming someone, or allowing someone to do so, would seem to be a sign that you are comfortable with and care for that person.»

Psychologist William McKibbi, from Florida Atlantic University, told the same outlet.

This may mean that, in addition to marking territory, women groom our partners when we are really committed to the relationship.

This, of course, not only applies to bars, but to any other type of custom that is related to personal image and is something that does not happen overnight, but rather occurs over time.

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