A teacher from Bogotá was fired for this photo

A teacher from the San Carlos School was fired because a photo of her was made public in which her attributes could be seen through a transparent blouse.

She is called Kelley Nicole Knappa 29-year-old American graduate in philosophy, with a master’s degree in theology and who for three years has been teaching English at the said school.

Photo: Daniella Benedetti / Vice Colombia

The teacher’s photos were published without her authorization in a gallery of the VICE Magazine of the Year 2013 and only until now did he have problems because of her. According to Semana, Juan Fernando Corral told Kelley that he would not continue working for the institution. “He told me that the photo (and only the photo) was the justification for my dismissal. On the other hand, he said that he (and only he) was the person who had made the decision not to renew my contract. No one else had been consulted.»

On the other hand, the rector regrets that the termination of the contract with Knapp has ended in a «public scandal» “I could not affirm that a single behavior of the teacher in question can explain the decision not to renew her employment contract, but it is evident that the passing of days has only contributed to reaffirm our decision not to have her as a member of our student community for our new academic year”reported Time.

Do you think the rector’s sanction was excessive or was it really a bad example for the students?