When do pregnancy symptoms start? Pay attention

Recurringly, we women tend to ask ourselves when do pregnancy symptoms startonce we suspect that we may be in gestation.

When in doubt, it is better to ratify it. If lately you have felt a little exhausted, dizzy or you suspect that you may have become pregnant, the best thing to do would be to take a rapid test as a first method of ruling out and later or if doubts persist, perform a blood test (which would turn out to be the most effective).

After this normal process and the confirmation of the news, symptoms could begin to appear that are part of the maternity stage and for which you should be prepared.

In case you want to know if crying during pregnancy affects the baby or you would like to know the moment in which symptoms begin to be felt during pregnancy and what they are, we invite you to read this article that could be of great help:

When do the symptoms of pregnancy begin to be felt?

This is a frequently asked question among women, so don’t worry if you don’t know. Well, according to Mayo Clinic, one of the largest consultation references in the world on medical issues, there are some primary signs that, even before entering into doubt about the non-arrival of your period, could tell you if there is a baby on board. These are some of them and that they would appear between weeks 4 and 6 of pregnancy:

  • Lack of menstruation or its delay: when you are of childbearing age and a week or more has passed without your expected menstrual cycle starting, it could be possible that you are pregnant. Obviously, there are women who have irregular menstrual cycles and this symptom can only be a false alarm.
  • Breasts that are tender or swollen: Hormonal changes are present even at the beginning of pregnancy (approximately one month). For this reason, you could experience pain and swelling in your breasts, a symptom that would fade as you progress in the process.
  • Constant nausea: This is the classic pregnancy symptoms. Nausea can occur with or without vomiting and would start about a month after becoming pregnant.
  • Increased trips to the bathroom to urinate: you may have to be urinating more frequently than usual in a few weeks and this is another indicator of your pregnancy. Remember that the amount of blood in the body increases during pregnancy and the kidneys will process extra fluid.

When do pregnancy symptoms start?

Almost with a high probability, the most notorious and traditional symptoms of pregnancy appear after the first month and reach their highest point in the third month. During this period of time you may have fatigue since this is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Levels of the hormone progesterone skyrocket, making you feel more tired or sleepy at any time. It could also be that after week 6 of pregnancy you experience the fearsome mood swings, swelling in the stomach and extremities, some light spotting, cramps, constipation or loss of appetite.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy in the first 15 days?

Some parts of your body could take on greater coloration, such as the palms of the hands or the feet. Also, there could be a potential whetting of the appetite that doesn’t go away with anything or pain in the lower back or hips. Additionally, you could experience stomach heaviness, swelling in the belly and suffer from flatulence.

What part of the belly hurts when you are pregnant?

Women who are pregnant and approaching 6 to 8 weeks gestation may experience moderate to severe pelvic pain in the area located in the lower torso or chest. This ailment could also be felt below the abdomen and between the hip bones.

We also want to show you 11 lies about pregnancy prevention that are part of popular wisdom. Remember to share this content on your social networks.