10 reasons why they are unfaithful

Why? Why? Why did you put the horns on me? We tell you the top 10 reasons why men cheat.

Whether or not they put horns on you, the topic of why they do so is recurrent in any female conversation. And it is that for many of us the reasons why those who are unfaithful to us are a mystery; They almost always take us by surprise because they happen just when we think our relationship is perfect.

It’s no consolation, but if we know their reasons (or excuses) for being unfaithful, we can try to prevent it. Therefore, here are the Top 10 Reasons Why They Cuckold Us:

1. To demonstrate his power: A study from the University of Göttingen, Germany, revealed that “men who have great professional power tend to cheat more easily on their partners, because the feeling of power is addictive; In addition, the constant confirmation of their professional success leads them to seek the same emotion of triumph with women”.

2. By instinct: It is the most macho apology, we know, but it is a fact that the male of all species has the biological objective of fertilizing as many females as possible. Poor little animals!

3. Social pressure: If you have a group of dog friends who hang out with women, sooner or later you will give in to peer pressure… Bad company, they call!

4. For not knowing how to say “no”: Yes, we know, «no» is just a simple word, but many people are not able to say it when they should, and that’s why they end up doing things that maybe deep down they didn’t want to; many men seek to ‘give’ because they are used to providing, so saying “no” is like a defeat for them.

5. Out of curiosity: Some specialists say that infidelity has more to do with the search for variety in the sexual experience than with the lack of satisfaction with the partner, that is, they can’t stand their curiosity…

6. Because we let them: FoxNews blogger Lisa Penn has conducted several polls on the subject, and one of her conclusions is that «many men who repeatedly cheat just keep doing it because they’ve never been caught or felt any consequence for their actions.»

7. A pregnancy: According to research carried out by the University of Colorado, when a woman becomes pregnant, the possibility that her partner will be unfaithful is multiplied by 5.

8. Due to insecurity: Some men suffer from low self-esteem, so when a woman says something nice to them, they flinch and fall round like the ball that many of them are.

9. To feel young: In middle age, many men go through mid-life crises (50, 60…) and easily fall into the clutches of young homewreckers who only want them for their money and stability, but make them feel 20-years-old again.

10. Brutes!: Although it sounds resentful, the truth is that a study by the University of London indicates that unfaithful men are not as intelligent as faithful ones, because historically, monogamy is a relatively new concept (compared to the entire history of humanity), concept that only the smartest can understand.

Why else do you think men cheat? Tell us!