Letter from mother to teenage daughter will give you goosebumps

Surely the day you miss your mom you will miss her, you will realize that you would have wanted to learn many things in life that only she could have taught you, now if you have her by your side it is time for you to take advantage of her.

The testament «jokingly» of the journalist Caitlyn Moran gathered thousands of visits on the Internet. Contains mother’s advice, full of humor, with accurate observations of life itself.

Dear Lizzie. Hi, I’m mom. I have died. Sorry it happened like this. I hope the funeral was good. Did Dad sing «Don’t Stop Me Now» by Queen when my coffin was going through the crematorium oven? I hope that everyone will sing along with him and that he will play, in an imaginary way, guitars, just as I planned. Did they have stick-on Freddie Mercury mustaches, as I requested in the «My Funeral Plan» document that had been stuck to the fridge door since 2008, when I had a really nasty cold and felt sorry for myself?

Look. Here are a couple of things I learned along the way that may come in handy for years to come. It’s not an exhaustive list, but it’s sure to be a good start. Plus, I left you a ton of life insurance money, so right now you can make a wild eBay purchase of those vintage dresses you love so much. You have always looked beautiful in them. You have always been beautiful.

1. You reflect the best energy when you are a good person. You already are, my girl, so I want you to hold on to that and never let go. Keep collecting the light from within, promise yourself that you will dazzle, constantly, non-stop, like a lamp that gives warm light to a corner of life itself. People will want to be near you and feel that light under your rays. You are bright and constant in this world of darkness and negative currents that change from one to another, that light will protect you from the anguish about other things that empty us and, ultimately, from less satisfying things like «be attractive» either «be fashionable», «be more successful than others» either «to be very thin».

2. What sounds like a nervous breakdown is often actually a need for a hug and a cup of coffee. You will be surprised how easily, repeatedly, you can confuse one thing with the other. Just in case, always have a big box of good cookies on hand.

3. Always pick up worms from the sidewalk and take them to the grass. They are having a bad day if they went to a dangerous place, and that they are very good for the earth… or for something else… ask dad more about this because I, now, do not want to go into details.

4. Choose as friends those with whom you feel closest to your true self, because it’s easy for you to joke around with them and you feel like you’re in your best suit when you’re in their company even though you’re only wearing a t-shirt. Never want someone who, in your opinion, needs to be improved, or who makes you feel that you should improve. In the world there are boys who are attracted to women who shine by themselves; They will be close to you and they will speak quietly in your ear and through their words the joy will come out little by little from your heart. Vampire books are true, baby. Drive a stake through their hearts and run away from the lollipops.

5. You have to be at peace with your body. As long as you are healthy, never think of your body as a problem or a failure. From time to time, run your hands over the legs and thank them because they know how to run. Put your hands on your belly and enjoy how soft and warm you are, do not stop admiring the wonder of the world that is spinning inside you, the living clock, as I did when I carried you under my heart, dreaming of you all the nights.

6. When you don’t know what to say in a conversation, try to investigate the knowledge of your interlocutors. Even if you are next to a man who collects screws and nails from the 70’s, it is very likely that there will be no other opportunity to discover so much about screws and nails from the 70’s. You will never know in advance when it will be useful to acquire these knowledge.

7. This leads to my next suggestion: life is divided into WONDERFUL TIMES that you will enjoy, and incredible and ATROCIOUS EXPERIENCES that will become future anecdotes. Despite the difficulties, you will be able to face everything no matter how difficult the situations are, you will be able to overcome everything if you imagine telling your friends about it later and they, in response, exclaiming in disbelief: “NO! CAN NOT BE!».

8. My life, try to see as many sunrises and sunsets as you can. Drop everything to sniff out the huge roses that decorate the meadows near the road. Whenever you can change the world, even if it’s a little bit, because every little bit needs that someone to change it.

Travel the path of life with music being your best source of energy; books your maps and coordinates that tell you how to get there. Receive your guests generously, don’t stop loving, dance with comfortable shoes, talk to dad and Nancy about me every day and never, ever start smoking. It’s the same as buying a cute little dragon that will eventually grow up and burn down your whole house.

With love, your mom

Source: brouhahadreamer
Translation and adaptation: Bright Side

Taken from Great Guru