Golden rules to wear loose clothes and not look «senorita»

So that Caro Cruz doesn’t happen to you, take note of the golden rules to wear loose clothing and continue to look divine.

Months before the pandemic, a controversy arose on social networks due to the clothes with which the model and presenter Carolina Cruz appeared in her debut on the morning television program. Day to day. During the broadcast for which he received criticism, Caro was wearing wide-legged jeans and a checkered vest, also wide..

The followers of this famous did not like her look a bit, because she has always been seen as an example to follow in terms of style, in addition, many Internet users assured that the clothes made her look «gentleman», completely wasting her stylized Body. Conclusion? They dressed her wrong. We know that Caro knows how to look divine, even with loose clothes, that’s why we share it with you below 5 rules (yours) to achieve it.

  • When you wear wide pants, on the upper part of your body use a body or a close-fitting garment, that way you will avoid looking square.
  • On the contrary, if you are going to wear the wide garment on the upper part of your body, try to wear very tight clothing on the lower part.
  • When you wear pants with a very wide boot, make sure that they completely cover your shoes, that way they will not look “swampy”.

What do you think?

also vibrates with: Carolina Cruz stunning in 12 bathing suits

Share on your social networks these golden rules for wearing baggy clothes and not seeing yourself «senorita», your family and friends will thank you, especially now when these clothes are coming back in fashion and we don’t know how to combine them correctly.

This is how they made fun of the graffiti networks in the #gramys =>

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) February 13, 2017