What does platonic love mean, find out if you’ve had one!

Have you ever wondered,what does platonic love mean? We want to tell you that in this note we are going to solve your doubt.

Love, love, love… Almost everyone has experienced this feeling at some point in their life. However, what happens when that call appears in our life, known or popular «platonic love»here we want to tell you a little about its meaning and how to identify it.

What does platonic love mean?

Platonic love is known as that feeling of idealized love, in which the sexual issue stops playing an important role and is characterized as something unrealizable or unrequited. This platonic love is also known for being based on fantasy and idealization, since apparently everything is perfect, it only has good qualities and there are no defects for any reason.

However, love when it is called in this way can also be used to refer to that loved and idealized person who provokes the most beautiful feelings. But… Beware! It is harmful when it becomes something obsessive and therefore dangerous because it will be based on an idealization that does not correspond to reality.

And you, With this explanation, do you think that at some point in your life you could have had a platonic love? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.