What is evaporated milk? We solve this doubt

What is evaporated milk? This concern comes to mind every time we look for a recipe and this type of milk appears or also, when we are asked if it is good for health and tastes good.

In many places on the planet, evaporated milk is consumed, but it is very normal that it is not known what its difference is from normal milk or in what type of diets or preparations it is ideal to use it. If you need it, we will teach you how to make milk cream with only 3 ingredients and by the way, we will show you some things about evaporated milk that you may not have known until now:

What is evaporated milk and what is it used for?

It is natural milk that is partially dehydrated through an evaporation process. Its presentation is usually canned to preserve it longer and you find it in skim, low-fat and whole versions. This milk is useful especially in the world of confectionery, since it could replace milk cream, since cream, as it is called in many countries, is usually full of saturated fats.

What is the flavor of evaporated milk?

To taste, it can have a very light texture and a neutral flavor, which is not sugary at all. Additionally, it can be mixed with salty or powerful flavor ingredients in order to help even out the seasoning in foods in a better way.

How is the process of evaporated milk?

You should know that although it is an extensive process and in which chemistry works its magic, it could mean that a partial dehydration of whole milk is carried out, by eliminating at least 60% of the water it contains and that a priori, it increases its useful life for quite some time. For this purpose, UHT sterilization (by extreme cold) is carried out, which means that the nutritional values ​​of the original milk, that is, whole milk, are largely maintained.

What is condensed milk and evaporated milk

Although they are different, they are sometimes very easy to confuse! To distinguish one from the other, it is enough to know these tips:

  • Condensed milk, although it is an evaporated milk because it contains 60% less water than traditional milk, has sugar (and what if condensed milk is sweet). Meanwhile evaporated milk does not contain sugar.
  • Another difference is its color, condensed milk tends to have a caramel tone and whiter evaporated milk.
  • Its texture may be the last difference since the condensed one is thick, its “almost twin” sister is looser.

What is the composition of evaporated milk

These are not generalized cases, but many of the brands you find on the market offer an evaporated product with only 6% fat, compared to 14% of the normal milk drink. Obtained directly from natural whole milk, it offers the same nutritional properties with calcium, vitamins, minerals and proteins, but with a notable reduction in calories.

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