Why am I alone and without a partner? It’s not what you think!

Some successful, intelligent, educated and attractive women wonder why am I alone and without a partner. Well, science has an answer.

Although sincerity (described as the quality of expressing oneself and acting truthfully and without faking it) is exalted as a value and even an example to follow, it seems that for us it is not so good, at least in love.

Science tells you why you are single and without a partner

And it is that a study carried out by researchers from the University of Whashington in Seattle and published by the prestigious newspaper Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, indicates that sincerity is to blame for your singleness. Que?! If there are many advantages of being single and living alone!

Just as you read it. According to the study, women who say things bluntly and with an honest attitude are more likely to remain single than those who fake and lie. How awful!

“Because those who put more emphasis on honesty and sincerity have less sense of humor, they are perceived as heartless and hurtful.”

explained to pink my ride study authors Kai Chi Yam and Christopher Barnes

And it is that good humor is key not only to attract the opposite sex, but to maintain long-term relationships. It is also very important for other types of relationships, such as friendship.

Why is there a difference between men and women regarding this matter? The reasons are cultural, since women are expected to be maternal, more tolerant of other people’s mistakes and less direct when speaking. That is why sincerity in men is more tolerated.

What do you think? Write what you think in the comments, and share this note on your social networks!

With information from: pink my ride