What secret hides the first letter of your name?

The name of each person marks a unique stamp and the first initial of both names and surnames reveals a lot about your personality but also brings you closer to your true essence.

Through numerology, the letters of your names are also studied. The initials, called «capsules» in this discipline, speak of each one, of your personality. To get to know you better, it is important to analyze what the first letters of all your names and surnames say.

Tell me the first letter of your name and we’ll tell you something important about your personality.

A. It gives those who wear it originality, strength and company spirit. They are balanced people who will try to make their life a site of harmony. They are good friends and excellent advisers if needed.

b. This letter gives its possessors the ability to interpret and put into practice the impulses of other people. At the same time, they are endowed with an intuition impossible to challenge. They often fall into melancholic states and it is difficult to get them out of them.

c. Those who have it in their name as an initial will be possessors of great strength and vital energy. Impulsivity will be your most outstanding feature and challenges, your daily food. They are very prone to controversy and debate and do not tolerate injustice.

d Its vibration is that of unconditional love and balance in emotions. If these people do not find emotional stability, they can fall into deep depression. They have artistic talent and can achieve popularity if they put their minds to it.

AND. This letter gives its owners the ability to organize and an ambitious spirit. If they wish, they can lift their spirits faster than other people, making service their life ideal.

F. People whose name begins with F have a strong will and will achieve significant success due to their ability to work hard for what they want to achieve. They love to travel and get to know exotic places that satisfy all their fantasies.

g. Mercury dominates this letter, giving rise to people with a brilliant intellect and a great need to expand their knowledge. They have analytical capacity and are practical in action. Their rich personality stands out in social gatherings, where they can be found regularly.

h. Pluto, ruler of this letter, gives its bearers the gift of critical and impartial judgment. They are people who know the correct way to act in each situation and are able to point it out to others with the same confidence. They know how to impose limits with authority when they consider it necessary.

YO. This vowel influences those who wear it, giving them charm and refinement. On the other hand, the character of these people is somewhat hesitant and they will be exposed to having to make important decisions throughout their lives.

J. Ruled by Mercury, they turn those who possess it into people of great vivacity and refined sense of humor. In addition, she has nobility of thought and great fidelity to her ideals. They are sincere friends who would give everything for those they love.

K. Its owners are people called to sure success, especially on the material plane. They can also excel in professions where they must appear before the public, such as actors, models and lawyers.

L. This letter is an indication of beings capable of sacrificing themselves for those around them with a great religious sense and strong character. They are good workers in positions where they do not have to make decisions for themselves.

m. Those who possess it see their goals in life renew day by day. Transformation is a constant in them. They are people of cheerful character and good predisposition to mental work. They are highly appreciated for their ability to understand their close friends.

Learn the meaning of the rest of the letters by clicking on the next page.