Don Jediondo internationalized! Now it will be present in Miami

Many expected to see the internationalization of Don Jediondo and now, he will be present in Miami with the franchise of its typical Colombian food restaurants.

Definitely, Don Jediondo is one of the favorite characters of viewers in Happy Saturdaysa program that recently fired the late actor Ali Humar, one of the most remembered directors of this traditional space on Canal Caracol.

The jokes and parodies performed by Pedro González, who plays Don Jediondo and Professor Sutatán, among other characters, have delighted the public and also, for some time now, he has been delighting them with his restaurants where he offers typical dishes from Colombian gastronomy and that are found in several Colombian cities.

Don Jediondo internationalized! Now it will be present in Miami

Many Colombians abroad wanted to have the opportunity to try the typical dishes to remember their native country in every bite. The comedian decided to listen to his requests and for that reason, he will open one of his restaurants in the city of Miami.

Through a message on his official Twitter account, González gave the “First of all, thanks to God and to you for supporting us”, referring to his followers and told them that he will open new points abroad. One of them will be located in the capital of the sun.

Although the pandemic did its thing and Don Jediondo had to temporarily close several of his stores, he reported that “Some are missing that will be opened with all the protocols, when they authorize”. In the past, there were several rumors that the comedian was closing the restaurants due to a bad economic run, but the one born in Sutamarchán, Boyacá, got ahead of the gossip by announcing that he is already starting to reactivate his business.

What do you think about the news of the reopening of Don Jediondo’s restaurants? Tell us your answer in a comment and do not forget to share our content on your social networks.