7 Free Spells Without Ingredients [Love, Break Up, Money & More]

Do you want to try some magic, but you are a little bit too overwhelmed by all the procedures and the ingredients they require? If the answer is yes, then you’re not alone. That’s why I decided to share a few spells without ingredients.

Before we continue

Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” spells for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.

This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.

Custom White Magic Spell Casting

With a Custom White Magic Spell Casting I can cast any spell for any desire you have in less than 24h.

What you can expect from me:

  • Private and personalized approach
  • Casting done in less than 24h
  • Only the best ingredients & tools
  • Free consultations before & after spell casting

I have helped hundreds of clients over the years, and I’d love to work with you as well.

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How to Cast Spells Without Ingredients

For these special spells and rituals, you don’t need any special things, besides your commitment, your trust in the process, and an open mind.

If you want to get deeper into each category, check the links you will find below each spell. On these links, you will have all the traditional spells I prepared for you to discover.

My Favorite Spells Without Ingredients

Money Spell Without Ingredients

Dream, and you shall become.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly

Effectiveness: 4/5

How it’s done

  1. Imagine more and more money flowing into your life, perhaps with a job promotion, a pay rise, or maybe an additional job. Maybe you’re selling some products, or holding a stock of some company.
  2. Think about it while you go to sleep and then think about dreaming that you’ll get it.
  3. It must be something you really need or crave for.
  4. Imagine that you received the money as you had previously planned and that you are in the process of realizing your desires and plans.
  5. When you are done, sleep peacefully, it is very likely that the money will appear in your dreams. Dreaming about money will help you realize your prayers before going to bed.
  6. Repeat this process every night, each time with more conviction, until your wishes come true.
  7. You must have confidence in the power of your dreams. Learn to dream big.

Make sure to check my article with other money spells.

Love Spell Without Ingredients

This is one of the easiest spells for love, that requires only a visualization, and a few chosen words.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly

Effectiveness: 3/5

How it’s done

  1. You will only need a quiet place where you can close your eyes.
  2. First, close your eyes and think about the person or situation in which you want to cast the spell.
  3. Let those positive images flood your mind and focus so you can get a good mental picture.
  4. When you have the image in your mind say everything you want that person to feel, how you want the relationship to be in the future or how you want the situation to be.
  5. You won’t have to say it out loud, speak only to your mind.
  6. Visualize again everything you said and before opening your eyes say a prayer to ask for a blessing in love.

Make sure to check my article with other think of me spells.

Sex Spell Without Ingredients

When the passion fades, use this prayer that invokes Eros, the god of sexuality.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly

Effectiveness: 4/5

How it’s done

  1. It can also help you fulfill the unspeakable fantasies that are hiding inside you.
  2. Say:

    “Powerful Eros, seducer, conqueror, that you attract and captive whoever you want, I (say your name) I ask you to give me your power one night and one day to conquer (say the name of who attracts you).

    Lend me your sexual power to unite my body to the one whom I mention here before you, with humility and despair.

    Oh, Eros, that all your desires have fulfilled and nothing has been lacking, give me your vigor and your audacity to tie up who I want to fall in love with.

    Excited is my body and you, venerated Eros can grant me this fortune of loving who I want, no You deny me the desire, it is great and true… I trust you, Eros!… So be it!”.

Make sure to check my article with other sex spells.

Also read:

How to Cast a Love Spell Without Candles? [Explained]

Break Up Spell Without Ingredients

This is an efficient spell to separate two people.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly

Effectiveness: 4/5

How it’s done

  1. Remember that you must replace the numbers 1 and 2 with the name of the two people you want to break up.
  2. Number one is your love, and number two is the other person.
  3. Say:

    “Eris, Greek goddess of strife and discord, you who are the most powerful of all the powerful, I need your help, please, your love, we are both made to live close to each other, I ask you to please move away from 1 to 2, I need your powers are used to separate these two people. Do not want to see, stay well away, from each other. I know that you can dominate love and know that there are people who were not born to live beside each other, have the certainty that they should not be together, please.”

    “Oh mighty Eris, Greek goddess of strife and discord, you are the most powerful of the mighty, I ask you to use your willpower, so that these people may separate, they cannot continue together, they will not suffer anymore, I know they need to be separated, this couple is not An example of happiness.”

    “I pray this prayer to separate those people who are not happy, I know that he can be happier with me, I also know that this prayer will work correctly, so be it.”

Make sure to check my article with other break up spells.

Get a Job Spell Without Ingredients

This prayer will help you land any job you want in three days. But there’s a catch. When you receive the job you want, you need to commit to it 100%.

If you fail to do that, it can harm your future jobs as well.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly

Effectiveness: 4/5

How it’s done

  1. You must do this prayer for three consecutive days, always at the same time and in a place that gives you inner peace.
  2. If you don’t stick to the precise schedule, it won’t work.
  3. Say:

    “I ask to you, Universe, whom I turn to tonight, to grant me the power and help to get the job I want.

    I ask you, a saint of the difficulties that in this moment of my life that I (your full name) find myself in this difficult situation where I feel cornered, I ask you to help me get this job.

    I ask you to see my need, which is true, that the shortage that my family goes through ends, getting a stable job.

    I ask to become the provider of my own life and that of my loved ones that they lack nothing.

    Help me Universe, give me tranquility, do not abandon me and give me the opportunity to prove that I (your full name) is fit for this job.

    You who see me and can offer me your wisdom, so that they recognize my effort.

    So that everyone can see that I am the ideal person and that I won’t let them down.

    In your name Universe, I ask for this job, and in your name, I know that I (your full name) will receive it in a short time and my family will be happy and calm.

    We will never lack anything thanks to you, Universe, that you give me this job.

    I get on my knees to thank you for the favors I will receive with this new job”.

Make sure to check my article with other spells to get a job.

Beauty Spell Without Ingredients

This is a simple spell for beauty, youth, and confidence.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly

Effectiveness: 4/5

How it’s done

  1. To feel more confident and beautiful, you need to step in front of a mirror and say out loud this spell, every night for at least seven nights in a row:
  2. “To you, goddess Aphrodite, the most beautiful of all, I ask you to help me look beautiful as you, help me to make my body look as I want and to be pleasant in everyone’s eyes.”

    Be persistent, commit to this ritual, and you will boost your confidence.

Make sure to check my article with other beauty spells.

Cleansing Spell Without Ingredients

This is one of the best spells to cleanse the space around you and make some room for positive energy. We might even attract money, love, and luck in our lives with it.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly

Effectiveness: 3/5

How it’s done

  1. You do not need any ingredients, so it is quick and easy to cast. For a better result, try to do this deep cleaning during the mornings or afternoons.
  2. Despite being very practical, it guarantees the surprising results. When you perform this cleansing, you must do it with love and joy. Visualize the energy flowing into your home without being obstructed by things you don’t need anymore.
  3. For it to work, just make a little space in your life, discard everything that hinders your home.
  4. For example, thoroughly clean closets, drawers, and whatever contains things you no longer use.
  5. After that, donate things you no longer need.
  6. Think about your aura, and think about the prosperity and luck that will come to you in the near future.
  7. Remember that aren’t living alone, you should suggest to the other person that he/she do the same. So that prosperity will reign in your home.

Make sure to check my article with other cleansing spells.

Final Thoughts

These spells are beginners-friendly and incredibly easy to perform.

Commit to the practice, stick with the requested schedule, trust the process, and you are going to see results for sure!