Identify toxic people by phrases that give them away

Poisonous people are not easy to detect, because they hide well, that’s why you must learn to discover toxic people by phrases they say on a daily basis.

Toxic people are those who they constantly poison you with their words to manipulate you; they invade your mind to feel supported by you, even though they are actually using you.

Identify if toxic people surround you by phrases like these

«It’s your fault!»

They blame you for everything that happens to them, that way they hold you responsible for their actions so that they always wash their hands.

«You need me»

They make you feel as if you are not worth anything to them; What they achieve with that is to create dependency on an emotional, economic, social level, etc.

«You can not»

If they constantly tell you phrases like «you do not know», «You’re not capable»etc., what they are doing is filling you with insecurities about yourself and your abilities.

«I didn’t tell you that!»

These people systematically deny their words; they do it to make you think you’re crazy and to humiliate you in front of others. The same applies to acts: «I didnot do that».

«Leave the drama»

With those words, what the toxic person is doing is disqualifying your emotions and invalidating your feelings.

Eye, anyone can be toxicyour partner, a family member, a friend, a co-worker, or even you.

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With information from: the lucid life