We all love the cloth balacas of Marbella

The cloth balacas for the head went from being a cute accessory to being a sensual one thanks to the singer Marbelle.

There is no other headgear tender and romantic than cloth balacas; they immediately take us back to our childhood and school days, when we used them so that the strands of hair would not fall into our eyes when we leaned over to read or write at our desk, did you have one?

claaaaaar! We had one in the same color as the uniform and one in the sweatshirt. We bought them in the miscellany with the coins that we had left over from the cooperative. All those memories make us associate this accessory with innocence, tenderness, purity, until Marbelle arrived and turned everything we thought about balacas upside down!

The singer and now television presenter has been using different cloth balacas that in addition to looking good on her and highlighting the features of her face, they make her look very sensuallook…

Is pastel fabric balaca It matches Marbella’s make-up…

Don’t you have a cloth balaca as such? Easy! A tightly rolled handkerchief it will become one of these accessories in no time.

Don’t throw this thing about the Marbelle balacas on deaf ears, well everything that celebrities wear quickly becomes fashionablethen don’t say we didn’t warn you!

also vibrates with: Bath exit from Marbella causes a sensation

Do you like the fabric balacas from Marbella? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks! Your friends will love knowing the fashion trends imposed by the famous.