Exercises for pregnant women according to the gestation trimester

We share some exercises for pregnant women that you can not only do with confidence, but that will bring you multiple benefits during this delicate stage of your life.

Obviously, it is not the same to exercise at the beginning of pregnancy than from weeks 28 to 36. In the latter, it is very common for doctors to recommend certain low-impact activities and in which the movements are of short duration. It is always advisable to be very careful and consult your GP about the best activities to do at any time during pregnancy.

So that you are clear about what the myths about physical exercise that science denies (such as that you cannot exercise while pregnant), we share some of them with you. Please remember not to abuse physical activity and consult a specialist about the intensity of the routines you want to do.

Exercises for pregnant women according to the gestation trimester

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, it would be recommended that women who have not experienced complications exercise for 30 minutes several times a week. So, some of the exercises you could do are:

Exercises for pregnant women in the first trimester

At this stage of pregnancy, it would be very good to carry out quiet activities since it would be the moment when more care should be taken. For this reason, you could do light cardio exercises such as taking a brisk walk 30 minutes a day or cycling, rolling without any resistance. In case you want to include toning exercises, do it with small weights of approximately 5 kg, in very short repetitions.

Exercises for pregnant women in the second trimester

This beautiful stage of pregnancy would allow you to do exercises that, if you endure them, could challenge your resistance a little more. At this stage, it would be ideal to take 30-minute walks in which you can move at different rates and always take care to breathe through your nose. If there is a swimming pool in your house, residential complex or club, the good news is that swimming would be a great physical activity since you will exercise the whole body without putting the baby at risk.

Exercises for pregnant women in the third trimester

In the last weeks of pregnancy, it will be entirely up to you to know what kind of activities you would like to do before giving birth. Although it is not a generality, low-impact aerobic movements such as dance classes and short-acting exercises such as arm and leg movements, which do not include jumps or sudden rotations, could be indicated. Keep in mind not to do exercises with change of direction, because in this part of the pregnancy it is easy to lose your balance and you could hurt yourself.

What exercises can a pregnant woman do but in the gym?

The gym also has its advantages when it comes to exercising. Of course, what you should keep in mind is that it would not be indicated from the second trimester to do weights or abdominal or back routines. You could apply these exercises to be fit during pregnancy:

  • During the first trimester you may, under medical supervision, jog, do light weights, and swim, all in sessions no longer than 45 minutes.
  • Once you reach the second trimester, you have to take great care of the abdominal area, so it would be good if you do pilates or leg exercises that are not high impact. You should not do jumping jacks, burpees or these types of movements as it could be dangerous for the baby.
  • In late pregnancy (third trimester), you might as well try very small dumbbell weights, and reduced cardio movements. It could be the elliptical, the treadmill, and doing light stretches in the lower back that just serve to speed up the heart thinking about labor.

If you are not pregnant and you are a sports lover, but you do not like or do not have time to go to a gym and prefer to exercise in the comfort of your home, you will also be interested in learning about home exercise routines for women, one for each! Lifestyle!

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