14 tricks to lose weight fast and without being hungry

Are you dieting but frustrated by lack of results? Put into practice these surprising tricks to lose weight fast.

One of the hardest things about dieting is that it makes us hungry; Although it is not true that we necessarily have to starve to lose weight, for many of us it is difficult to diet, is there not an easier way to lose weight? No, but they do exist some surprising tricks that will help you achieve it.

Take note of these tricks to lose weight fast

1. Sleep at least 8 hours a day: Have you noticed that when you stay up late you feel like snacking? It’s because lack of sleep increases appetite, so getting a good night’s sleep is essential for you to achieve your goals.

2. Eat slowly: If your mom scolded you for swallowing food without chewing, she was right! If you take too long to chew, you will eat less, because your subconscious is programmed to feel full within about 20 minutes of starting, so if you eat too fast you will leave hungry!

3. Eat with the opposite hand: LOL! Don’t make fun of it, it’s real advice. If you are right, eat with the left; if you are left-handed, eat with the right, that way you will eat more slowly.

4. Swap saturated fats for unsaturated: Cook with olive oil instead of butter, snack on nuts instead of chips and eat avocado, as all these foods provide your body with healthy fats.

5. Eat more protein: But be careful, make sure they are lean, such as skinless chicken breast, turkey and fish, as they help speed up metabolism.

6. Have a glass of water before lunch: This will help you feel full without overeating, as the water will take up space in your stomach that you would normally fill with food.

7. Switch to no-calorie sweeteners: This is key in beverages, which generally become an important source of invisible calories, since many people do not count the amount of sugar that soda brings, to give just one example.

8. Drink bitter coffee: Coffee, in addition to increasing metabolism, makes you spend calories when you drink it very hot and without any kind of sweet or milk.

9. Eat away from the kitchen: That way you will avoid being provoked by the delicacies you keep there.

10. Drink two cups of green tea a day: It is an excellent diuretic that will help you get rid of those accumulated liquids in some parts of your body.

11. Eat the fruit, instead of making juice with it: Thus, in addition to conserving all its nutrients, you metabolize its fructose more slowly, since your body has to metabolize it together with the fiber.

12. Eat more fiber: It is not that whole carbohydrates are less fattening, but rather that your body spends more calories and time metabolizing them, that is why they suit you.

13. Carries diced carrot everywhere: They are the perfect half nines and elevens, because they take away your hunger with very few calories.

14: Brush your teeth right after you finish eating: In this way you close the food cycle, like a ritual, because your mind will understand that you don’t have to eat anymore, so you will avoid snacking and even sinning with one or another dessert.

How about these surprising tricks to lose weight without starving?

vibrates also with: Forbidden fruits when you’re on a diet

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With information from Channel6